The Day Matt Cutts Snapped

Welcome dear reader. Once again the best stuff on this blog is written or made by other people, today I pass this gift on to you. Today we have a guest post by Patrick Hathaway, who is currently the in-house SEO for promotional gifts company Ideasbynet, although he will be joining Hit Reach shortly (and has already started building links […]

9,800 New Guest Post Opps in 10 Minutes

So it appears that SEO’s have decided that with Penguin 2.0 looming large it’s a good idea to cover the bases by stating that anything and everything to do with link building could lead to a penalisation of some sort. Great! Where does this leave the paralysed masses? The frozen, battered and fearful, afraid of […]

So, You Wanna Be A Brand Huh?

BRAND SIGNALS!! They’re everywhere! It appears that the SEO world in 2013 is about creating a brand (fake it til you make it), standing out within your industry (creating original, interesting, link worthy content) and user metrics (CTR, time on site, returning visitors. You know, all that good stuff) Oh yeah, maybe also a bit […]

Find Places To Add Banner Ads/Links

Small idea. Might work for you, might not. Probably more likely to might work than might not. Add competitor(s) site into OSE / Your link God of choice. Filter results for most possible links (external, to all pages on the root domain) Run report, wait. Perhaps do a sudoku? Or maybe read this? Regardez un lien […]

10 ways to Build Back links!

Making high quality inbound links from web sites is an important task in the search engine optimization process. It is off-page optimization service to boost traffic to the site in advertising, brand books, strengthen links and blogses, and presentations from the forum, all lead indirectly and effective links to web content. Although unique and relevant […]

Sean’s Links! #2

Some interesting posts. Some about marketing, some not. Some of them you will find interesting. Some of them have great design. Articles: “Self-Improvement Is Masturbation” How to Hack Your Brain The Rise of the Artist – You are the Future The Orgasmic Brain Do You Have Weirdo Syndrome? Lolz Fake – You Are Not Dead […]


Playing around with maps. A content master’s day is always busy. I thought I’d make a map showing the football clubs in London. The key is pretty self explanatory and when you hover over the pins you get club information (address, phone number and league) as well as the website if you click on the […]

50 Shades of Spam

Hey fuckers! Today I have a guest post from Irish Wonder one of the savviest SEO’s I’ve read and talked too. We’ve gone down the road of a mysterious SEO thriller. Enjoy! Disclaimer: the story is based on true events but all the names and website URLs have been changed. Any resemblance to actual people, […]

Interesting Searches

Hey there readers! *closes book, places it in expensive shelf* The site has had a slight revamp and I’m pissing about with a lot of themes and ideas at the moment. Here is the latest incarnation of the alluring 01100111011001010110010101101011 blog. I’ve been playing around with a few searches this week, hopefully a few will help […]

Sean’s Links! #1

Daddy says, read your links or you’re getting no pudding! Listen:   Read:   Google+ an ting

Football Money League 2013 – Who Earns What?

There are millions of football players and thousands of reputed teams around the world, making it one of the most popular and followed sports in the world. This popularity may be attributed to four factors: entertainment, simplicity, unpredictability, and the atmosphere surrounding a match. Because this sport does not require any special equipment except a […]