5 comments on “Helping People

  1. sometimes i start helping someone then i think about how much moneyz i could be making, and let those dudes from the temple of doom sacrifice them anywayz. money, power, respect, and some good dental floss, y’all

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  2. i commented twice. fear the grammar nazis and their plumed ascots. kinda genius you ‘wrote’ this. im sending it to that dude at the santa monica pier that reads caligraphy. ill find out your true identity yet, and i woulda gotten away with it years ago if it wasnt for those peddling kids

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  3. All it’s returning for me is people tweeting this blog post.

    Only kidding, good tip. cheers 🙂

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  4. I did this. A lot of my feed is pretty much ridiculing people who said “help yourself to…” because they abused the system and ate/took it all.

    It’s good to know I hang out/know/follow like minded people.

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