
Quit Fucking About & Do Some Work!

Each day thousands of SEO’s waste hours of client work time reading the latest news or chatting via social media. There’s always one more article to read, bookmark or tweet about. We’ve got to the stage where we trick ourselves into thinking that everything is fine as long as we are reading SEO based content or discussing an idea about how varying anchor text is an important thing for a link profile. I mean that’s kinda work right? It will help how we do things internally! I DON’T HAVE A.D.D.!

Now I don’t give a shit, you can spend as long as you like retweeting each others crap articles or discussing whether Google are bastards or not. Until recently I was one of these drones who visit their social media profiles as soon as they login each morning to see what people are talking about and whether the next big thing has been released so that I can learn how to manipula… use it to attract relevant, quality users.

This doesn’t mean that I won’t be using social media (I will be instantly spamming Twitter with this ‘post’ as soon as I’ve finished) or reading SEO articles but it does mean I will be cutting down on the time I take with them.

You will get to the stage where you realise that there isn’t as much value as you hoped in each passing article, in each social media discussion and that you are spending client time reading shit content on shit websites thinking:

  • “But what I’m doing helps the client in the long run”
  • “I’m using this time to discuss an important idea”
  • “I’m reading this article because it’s relevant to my client’s current predicament”


You’re. Being. Lazy.

Stop. Doing.This.Shit.And.Do.Some.Fucking.Work.

Most of you know what you are doing and even if you don’t there are always some more links to be built regardless of whether you “own the SERPs” or not. I don’t mind if this comes across as a bitter whine from a bloke that knows fuck all. I’m just thinking about productivity and how much more work you’d be doing if you weren’t on Twitter, on SEOmoz or reading this shitty blog.

If you are one of these people then do yourself a favour, close Twitter, close your email and improve your clients campaign/work on your SEO empire. It might sounds stupid but I think alot of people have forgotten what that feels like.

*Yes there will be some people who’s job it is to write and discuss SEO all day via social media but you have to remember they are unlikely to have the client responsibility that you do…

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Quit Fucking About & Do Some Work!, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

3 comments on “Quit Fucking About & Do Some Work!

  1. What? You mean I’m not adding any sort of value to my clients by reading this crappy blog? Or by reading what the latest and greatest SEOmoz post is about how I am going to get all these awesome quality links? 😉

    I actually want to print this out and hang it in front of a few people I know that do this. I could even use it as a reminder to stop screwing around every once and awhile.

    What you said is all so true. Loved this post Sean or 011100110110010.

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  2. This may find itself in the Ye Gods! section of the GonzoSEO Papers one day. As you may have noticed, I quit fucking about so much and started handling my shit like a goddamn’ boss. You’re a sound cunt, Sean – don’t ever grow up, mate!

    Daoul Ruke

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    1. Dude, I’d be truly honoured to be on that page one day! This is a fairly old post and it lead on to the The Secret Diary Of An Inbound Marketer but I think it will probably remain true for some time yet… 🙂

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