Profound Works

Link Prospecting with Google Custom Search Engines

In our pursuit to improve a websites visibility and reach online we are often looking for websites that are looking for writers/allow guest posts to be added to their site. Whilst reviewing Google the other day I was thinking about how this process could be improved, except there own websites where do blog or website owners mention that they are looking for guest writers?

The answer of course is social media.

The search option below was custom made at and feature search results for some of the biggest social media websites including Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and many more.

What does this mean? Now you have the world of social media at your finger tips! I’m sure that you guys are able to come up with a intelligent searches I’ll give you a couple to get going 😉

  • “Looking for writers”
  • “Guest post”
  • “Write for us”
Major social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin

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