2 comments on “Testing.

  1. so readers, i’m host-hacking Sean’s site right now. we’re just doing a bit of testing. the thing is, this is really Sean host-hacking Anthony’s comment, so this is doubly joyous for at least one reason.

    i liked that soccer goal you tweeted earlier today. (this is Anthony not Sean, but only Anthony (the real one) would know that for sure in writing this.) When I played firstbase, I would go have an ostensible pep talk with the pitcher, maybe going as far as slapping him on the posterior (you know, for the media and all…) However, what I was REALLY doing is taking the ball with me back to my position, and as the base runner would lead off the base, tag him out. this story doesn’t really provide value, but it makes me think of baseball and when things were simple, and it makes me happy.

    i like what you’ve done with the place.

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    1. Thanks for the comment Sean. I will be sending you an email about a post.

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