9 comments on “Personas of The Average SEO

  1. I love that Bert made it into this flash graphic mix! Though, I might argue that he is above average 🙂

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    1. Haha, agreed Annalisa! The image made me laugh so I had to post it 🙂

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  2. Obviously my persona is male Wonder Woman

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  3. Haha, this is great! Obviously the logical choice of my persona is Spock.

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  4. the scariest thing about this is that some seos will go as far as to paint their faces, which is cool in some vanity fairs, mostly reserved for women and male emo dudes. but, like, anything clownish comes about, and I’m losing my shit. one time a clown tried to take me away from my parents at the circus. i was leaning a bit too heavy on the cotton candy in those early years, becoming quite a load to carry. the clown dropped me, promising he would come back one day. do i sleep with a crossbow underneath my pillow? yeah. will that motherfucker meet his fate one day in a big-top pee-wee meets highlander ‘epic’ episode of reality? yeah.

    good post. i like your blogz.

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    1. I find that makeup and a nice skirt really helps get to grips with a female persona.

      So we have cotton candy to thank for your presence in our beautiful industry? Just in case you’re wondering I think you’d make a great comedic clown.

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  5. lol @ that metallica persona

    “Hi, I’m Lars Ulrich. I’m a big fan of your blog, popstar21.com”

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    1. I might try that in the future! Outreach pretending to be a famous person.

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