Profound Works

Scott D Smith – Spammy Spam Spammer

This particular SEO has spammed this website for a while and I’ve got bored of it. I know my comments are ‘do follow’ (suddenly making it highly valuable…) but just don’t be a twat eh?

Yes, especially if you have a webpage called ‘Proof of Power’. No I’m not linking to it.

Oh that? A link from Search Engine Journal? Hadn’t noticed it…

Also looks like someone’s having to build a few links for their EMD (great URL though!)

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Scott D Smith - Spammy Spam Spammer, 6.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

10 comments on “Scott D Smith – Spammy Spam Spammer

  1. Yeah, having the same problem.
    Sometimes, I just approve the comment removing the link, as a signal : hey, I know you are just commenting for the dofollow link (damn, for some people in 2012 that’s still the way of building crap links).

    Other times: I can simply not publish the link because it’s clearly a shit site.


    Alex Twin

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    1. Yo Alex 🙂

      I’ve considered removing the link before but sometimes the comments are of such little value that I just end up deleting it.

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      1. Yeah, there’s a good chance that the comment is always going to be useless, so it’s much easier to just click the delete button than to even think about what that person is trying to say (or what a translator robot typed for him/her). I realize not everyone speaks perfect English, and a lot of ESL people have some good insights… but if it looks like a Mandarin Spam Android typed it and it links back to something inane… then there you go.

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  2. I have the exact same problem! There’s one spammer (name i totally forget) whose comments are just


    with a link to his linkedIn – I’m guessing it’s reputation management (I did Google the name and the suggestion was something like NAME rape allegations) – hilariously done!

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    1. Ouch! I’m sure they’re still great at SEO!

      ‘What Rape Allegations Taught Me About Reputation Management’

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      1. AHH I’ve found him! His name is “STEPHEN KARSCH” (Always in ALL CAPS) and it’s not “rape allegations” it’s “jail” that appears when you search his name. Hilarious.

        What all those years in prison taught me about comment spam!

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  3. Scott D Smith is going round helping malicious quack Errol Denton ( with his online reputation – I hope he’s on danger money, looking at Denton’s latest Twitter sock @FightRacism2.

    His idea seemed to be that the best way to help Errol was to register a fake petition site,, to host the defamatory petition that was deleted by iPetitions and Care2. Any competent professional would have said “do not, under any circumstances, even think of doing that”. What kind of fool protects a client’s reputation by helping him dig a bigger hole for himself? Much better advice would have been to amend these claims and get off the ASA blacklist!

    I am led to the conclusion that he is not too bright.

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