
I’ve Made It Into The Upper Echelon of the SEO Industry

You may have seen Giuseppe’s excellent anchor text survey (look broad keyword anchor text! Shame it’s from an irrelevant source 🙁 )earlier today where he asked 18 SEO experts and myself to answer a few questions and give a few thoughts on the future of anchor text.

There are some seriously smart people within the industry 🙂 (I know, I’ve had some wine, I’m feeling friendly…)

Anywho, I checked out the comment section and noticed that Paul Gailey made a wordle thingamajig from the post which you can see below.

Notice the bit in red?

Look again.

It says Sean.

I’m now pretty sure I’ve made it into the upper echelon of the SEO industry. If I’ve talked to you previously it’s highly unlikely I will do from now on as I’ll be drowning in cash, new friends and other cool stuff.

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I've Made It Into The Upper Echelon of the SEO Industry, 10.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

2 comments on “I’ve Made It Into The Upper Echelon of the SEO Industry

  1. Sean,
    I don’t know if I’m more glad I helped you in reaching this goal, or I’m more sad because you won’t talk to me anymore.
    I’ll have some beers to decide.
    Thanks for the broader match link, anyway! 😉

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    1. Giuseppe, I’m always free to chat! Enjoy your beers and no worries on the link 🙂

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