
How to Gain Referral Traffic from Open Site Explorer

Trying to write a semi decent sentence is difficult at the best of times. Gin hangovers make everything doubly difficult. However I’ve just woken up (yes it’s the weekend…) with an idea, whether it’s a decent one is for you to decide.

How to Gain Referral Traffic from Open Site Explorer

  1. Make a list of websites that you believe get checked by link tools. This could include SEO agencies/consultants, media, industry blogs or sites within your sector.
  2. In your next post add a link to one of these websites. For example I can imagine that alot of people check SEOmoz’s backlinks in Open Site Explorer because they are curious and mischievous. Imagine if they found anything slightly craphat?! It would be because of a link tool designed by SEOmoz! The rockstar could then write a ‘lol’ post about it and become an overnight millionaire. Anyway…
  3. When adding this link make sure that you use some interesting anchor text, lets say – SEOMOZ IZ DA BEST AND I LOVE ALL DER TOOLS AND I LOVE ALL DER BLOGZ POSTS AND DER OTHER STUFF 4EVA! (this example is purely to be eyecatching and not as pisstake.) Because the next time someone checks SEOmoz in Open Site Explorer you are going to get sooooo much traffic my friend!
  4. Wait…
  5. Wait some more
  6. Someone checks SEOmoz backlinks in Open Site Explorer and doesn’t see your link as it is has a low domain authority.
  7. You cross your fingers that they check under anchor text.
  8. They don’t.
  9. Someone else checks SEOmoz backlinks in Open Site Explorer and rushes straight to the anchor text section and doesn’t see your link as it’s the only one with that exact anchor text.
  10. Your starting to think this “technique” wasn’t such a good idea.
  11. Third time lucky perhaps? Someone arrives at Open Site Explorer and looks to review SEOmoz’s backlink profile to check whether they have any highly relevant links pointed to them with witty, smart and highly amusing anchor text.
  12. They don’t.
O.k so this hasn’t been a major success. I’ve written a post effectively about a stupid idea that will probably never gain any referral traffic.
Feel free to diss me below.
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